We ensure you a peaceful process
Safe processing and storage that guarantees the well-being of your family.
We ensure you a peaceful process
Safe processing and storage that guarantees the well-being of your family.
Laboratory Process
Cord blood and cord tissue are processed immediately upon receipt to our laboratory. The cord blood is processed in a way to maximize the recovery of stem cells by our validated and approved standard operating procedures and our highly trained stem cell specialists.
A closed, sterile, semi-automatic process is used to ensure minimal contamination and high stem cell recovery.
Long Term Storage
The cord blood and cord tissue are cryogenically preserved under standard operating procedures in cryogenic blood bags and tissue vials. The final cord blood product is 25 ml, consisting of two attached segments to be utilized for additional testing to not compromise the final cord blood stem cell transplant product.
The stem cell products are stored in liquid nitrogen tanks specialized for cryogenic temperatures of -196 degrees Celsius. Our cryogenic storage devices are connected to an alarm system to continuously monitor liquid nitrogen levels and cryogenic temperatures.