Cord Blood Banking Cost

The best Cord Blood Banking cost services at affordable prices

We pride ourselves on providing the best service. We make it easier for you. That is why we offer several payment options to choose from.

The best cord blood services at affordable prices

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Pricing and payment options

We offer our clients a variety of plans accordinly to their needs.

Choose the best plan for you and your family:

Cord Blood Banking
Processing Fee – Including Laboratory Testing
1st Annual Storage
Special Discount
Cord Blood & Cord Tissue Banking
Processing Fee – Including Laboratory Testing
1st Annual Storage
Special Discount

The one time fee includes:

iconos precios cord blood collection kit 1 steam cell cord blood

Cord Blood collection kit

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Medical Courier transportation

iconos precios Processing fee 1 steam cell cord blood

Processing fee and laboratory testing

iconos precios administrative fee 1 steam cell cord blood

Administrate fee

iconos precios 1st year storage 1 steam cell cord blood

1st Year anual storage

iconos precios Laboratory report 1 steam cell cord blood

Laboratory report

Prepaid programs

Years of Storage
Cord Blood
6 Months Payment Plan
12 Months Payment Plan
18 Months Payment Plan
1 Year
10 Years
18 Years
Years of Storage
Cord Blood & Cord Tissue
6 Months Payment Plan
12 Months Payment Plan
18 Months Payment Plan
1 Year
10 Years
18 Years

Cord Blood or Cord Blood & Tissue initial fee due at signing $0,00 for 1 year Plan Cash, others Plans cost $350.00.

6 Month Payment Plan with 0% interest. Prices valid for the contractual date only and are subject to change without notice.

Discount / Promotion
Twins babies
Second Pregnancy
1 year storage ($150.00)

Many reasons to feel safe and confident

cord blood

We are local!

Did you know we are the only Cord Blood Bank located in South Florida? Our local Laboratory guarantees rapid assistance and immediate processing of your baby’s cord blood stem cells sample.

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Secured Transit

We provide a local courier service that will safely transport your baby’s cord blood from the hospital to the laboratory. This service is offered 24/7!

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Cell Viability Assurance

GeneCell ensures Cord Blood processing within 48 hours! Immediate processing will potentially ensure the high viability of these precious cells.

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Fast Delivery!

We strive for outstanding performance, quality, and great customer support to ensure fast delivery of the cord blood sample from local hospitals to our laboratory. Overnight shipping services may compromise the quality of your baby’s sample.

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Optimal Travel Conditions

Exposing the sample to extremely high or low temperatures may affect the viability of your baby’s stem cells. Therefore, our specialized courier will maintain the cord blood sample at an optimal temperature, to ensure high-quality samples.

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No Hidden Shipping Fee!

We’ve got you covered. There is no additional charge for transporting your baby’s cord blood sample to our laboratory.

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Bed-Side Pick Up

Our specialized courier offers bed-side pick up. Worry free! No extra effort required from you.

Cord Blood Banking is completely safe for your baby and the mother

cord blood

We are local!

Did you know we are the only Cord Blood Bank located in South Florida? Our local Laboratory guarantees rapid assitance and immediate processing of your baby’s cord blood stem cells sample.

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Secured Transit

We provide a local courier service that will safely transport your baby’s cord blood from the hospital to the laboratory. This service is offered 24/7!

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Cell Viability Assurance

GeneCell ensures Cord Blood processing within 48 hours! Immediate processing will potentially ensure high viability of these precious cells.

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Fast Delivery!

We strive for outstanding performance, quality and great customer support to ensure fast delivery of the cord blood sample from local hospitals to our laboratory. Overnight shipping services may compromise the quality of your baby’s sample.

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Optimal Travel Conditions

Exposing the sample to extremely high or low temperatures may affect the viability of your baby’s stem cells. Therefore, our specialized courier will maintain the cord blood sample at optimal temperature, to ensure high quality samples.

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No Hidden Shipping Fee!

We’ve got you covered. There is no additional charge for transporting your baby’s cord blood sample to our laboratory.

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Bed-Side Pick Up

Our specialized courier offers bed-side pick up. Worry free! No extra effort required from you.

Cord Blood Banking is completely safe for your baby and the mother

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Learn about the
outstanding capability
of newborn stem cells

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Do you have to leave? Don't worry!

Book a free consultation with one of our cord blood specialists and clarify any doubts you may have about Stem Cells or about our services. We are waiting for you.

30 minutes meeting